Saturday, 18 January 2014

PR Assistant Experience

So as you already no I worked on a magazine back in June called IDGAF magazine! 

I was in charge of assisting the Editor with the main PR duty's for the first issue of the magazine 

I thought I would give you an insight of what this involved me doing - for those of you that may be unsure? 

But first... I worked with IDGAF from June up until September when I came back to University. I would of loved to stay and help out because I really enjoyed what I did, but with it being my second year of University I wanted full focus on my study's! 

I created a screenshot of my name published under PR and Marketing in the magazine because after my hard work I was so pleased with myself :-)

My duties: 


When working in PR emailing is a big part of what you do! I was constantly contacting and replying to emails from PR companies, and music management agencies. You have to keep updated with your emails. I was sat on my computer all day long focusing on emailing out a lot of PR companies to try and get artists to feature in the magazine or to use a designers clothing for the shoots for our magazine. Never give up, no matter how long it takes. 

If you want to contact a PR companies who represent someone that you really want to interview, keep emailing and if emailing doesn't work then you need to call! This is also something I did a lot! 


If you can't get in touch through emailing and you can't find the direct email you need to call them. Call the office directly and tell them why your calling, and then ask who they feel would be appropriate to contact for your enquiry and a lot of them will give you a direct email which can make everything speed up. 

I was in charge of :
- Finding hotel rooms to shoot in
- Finding artists to feature in the magazine for interviews
- Assisting on shoots
- Visiting catwalk shows and exhibitions
- Contacting music management agencies 
- Contacting PR companies to try and borrow clothing for photo shoots. 
- Writing Press Releases 
- Creating IDGAF competitions
- Brainstormed event ideas and sponsorships 

As you can see I was involved with a lot of different tasks! I was given a lot of responsibility as PR assistant and this was because I wasn't actually classed as an intern. With it being a start up magazine there were a lot of people involved and we were all working on it unpaid!

This was invaluable experience, I learnt a lot from working with this magazine and I can now put it into practice in future job/intern opportunities. 

My advise for interns out there is, no matter how boring something may sound, or even if you think you may not enjoy something, just do it! I did this over my summer break from University and although some people may just want a break I took it upon myself to keep learning! I really enjoy to learn new things. All the time I will be accepted for internships or work experience I will take it because I know I can learn from every experience. 

If anyone would like to know anything else about my experience just contact me :-)

Hope this was helpful!

If anyone is interested in viewing the first issue of IDGAF magazine then just click here



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